Music Across the Water

Monday, June 3 at 8:15pm
Sir Sandford Fleming Park near the Dingle Tower, Halifax
(Joseph Strug Concert Hall lobby if raining)

Sponsored by Sally & JP Camus; Alastair Saunders and Christine Corston

Over twenty musicians gather on and around Halifax’s Northwest Arm to evoke a magical soundscape amidst the fading evening light. Listen from the shore or the water to this rich display of echoes at dusk. Music Across the Water will be conducted by Jeff Reilly and will feature an original composition created especially for this event by rising star cellist and composer India Gailey.

This concert is free to attend! Just find a place on shore and listen to the music. Do you have a boat or know someone who does? Enjoy the performance from the water!

On the Program

INDIA GAILEY: Music Across the Water

India Gailey, cello
Jeff Reilly, conductor
Noam Bierstone, percussion
Alexander Haupt, percussion
Dominic Desautels, clarinet
Tom Allen, trombone
Joseph Petric, accordion
Joe Phillips, bass
Airi Yoshioka, violin
Scotia Festival Young Artists